Karnataka Second PUC Statistics Question Paper of March, 2010
Below is The Karnataka Second PUC Statistics Question Paper of March 2010 & Download This Question Paper of Both English & Kannada Version in PDF Format.
Karnataka Second PUC Statistics Question Paper of March, 2010
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Max. Marks :100
Total No. of Questions : 42 Sub Code No. 31
English Version
Note : i) Statistical tables will be supplied on request.
ii) Scientific calculators may be used.
iii) All working steps should be clearly shown.
I. Answer the following questions : 10 × 1 = 10
1. Mention a source of vital statistics.
2. The price index number for the current year is 121. Give your conclusion.
3. Write the formula for computing Laspeyre’s quantity index number.
4. Give an example for seasonal variation.
5. Is mean of Binomial Distribution less than variance ?
6. What is the probability that a normal variate takes a value greater than its mean ?
7. Mention a use of Standard Error.
8. What is confidence coefficient ?
9. What is the value of a fair game ?
10. Name the control chart used in case of defectives in Statistical Quality Control.
II. Answer any ten of the following questions : 10 × 2 = 20
11. In a community in a specific year 4000 live births occurred. In the case of 50 of above, the mothers died due to child birth. Compute M.M.R. ( per 1000 ).
12. Write any two limitations of index number.

14. Define irregular variation and give an example.
15. Under what conditions does Binomial distribution tend to Poisson
distribution ?
16. What are the mean and variance of Standard Normal distribution ?
17. Define size and power of a test.
18. Mention any two conditions in fitting X^2 test of goodness of fit.
19. If

20. Define Linear Programming Problem.
21. If the depreciation cost and the cumulative maintenance cost for an equipment for the second year are Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 10,200 respectively, what is the annual average cost ?
22. Mention two types of causes for variation in a manufacturing process.
III. Answer any eight of the following questions : 8 × 5 = 40
23. From the following data calculate Total Fertility Rate :

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